Wednesday, 29 June 2011

Photo Catch Up

Two little monkeys

My favourite place on earth.

Upside down dummy plugged into REALLY fat cheeks!

Yup - you guessed it - we have a new tooth... At 4 months.

Daddy gets HUGE smiles!

Daddy gets lopsided ones too.

Blossom loves Daddy!

Froggy close up.

The Jord - how did I get such a gorgeous kid?

Monday, 27 June 2011


The Jord had been bugging us to buy  mussels for some weeks when we finally took the plunge and got some.

The supermarkets here sell them in funny deli type things with seawater spraying over them. You just grab a packet and help yourself. It gets weighed at the checkout and off you go.

With live shellfish. In the back of your car...

This lot cost us $1.60.

I love this country! Have I told you that?
The way I like to do them is to boil them up so that they open.

Lay the shells in an oven pan.

Top with garlic butter, Tabasco sauce and cheese.

And grill til the cheese is melted - YUM!

Friday, 17 June 2011

Things I'm Loving Number Thirteen!

Making Biscotti.

Flat Whites. A friend treated us to a couple of boxes of these on wednesday. Yum...

The two together? Pure bliss!

Pinterest. An online pinboard website where you can store and share visual ideas. I'm using it for birthday cake ideas, Family portrait ideas and to store dreams...

Kiwi Dip that turns into an awesome sauce for Tuna Pasta Bake.
Our newly formed Mom's Coffee Group.

LOVING wednesdays - even though I have to vacuum twice ;)

A shared burden is a burden halved, and I can see ladies who have been uplifted just by sitting and talking.
Hearing different ideas and solutions to baby-related problems.

I can personally attest to a renewed sense of energy as a result!

DIY haircuts and the fact that you can learn how on YouTube!

I'm loving the New Zealand medical system - the fact that it's free for little kids - no medical insurance necessary! And the practice we use is so friendly and family-oriented - they know your name and the names of your kids...

Mainfreight Apples!

Every year this time Mainfreight gives out a bucket of apples to each of it's employees. I think it's a really nice touch. This is the third year we've gotten them and I can tell you that they make really good Apple Crumble.

Especially if you use Jamie Oliver's recipe.

This year they have been used as a first fruit for Blossom.

She's loving Mainfreight Apples!

Linking up with PaisleyJade.


Monday, 13 June 2011

The Need-For-Change Bug

There have been some funny goings-on around these parts...
I got bitten by the need-for-change bug.

You know that feeling where something's gotta give?

You start a new chapter in your life and need to change something to show it?

No? Maybe I am nuts...

Anyway, when I get bitten by this bug I generally rearrange my house, or do something drastic to my hair.
And while my house desperately needs some rearranging, this time my hair bore the brunt of the reaction to the bug...

As the Frog would say:


Disclaimer: This photo is not perfect, nor is it my primary choice for self-portrayal, but in the absence of a photographer, this had to do.

The tutorial I used is below.
Happy snipping!

Tuesday, 7 June 2011

The boys...

And just so you know...

I DO love my boys too!

It's not just a blog about Blossom!

Pieter snapped this photo yesterday. It was a surprise to see the Frog passed out on top of the Jord - usually they're at each other's throats! Really glad to see evidence of some form of love and affection!

And the Jord was quite happy to sit there for as long as the Frog needed him to, until he needed the loo, then he started yelling for help.

Good boy Jord!

Blossom playing...

The apple did not fall far from the tree with this kid!


 And she's smiling...
SUCH beautiful coy little smiles.

I wish this was in focus...
Look into my eyes.... you are getting sleeeeeepy....

Her Daddy's Angel

These should warm the cockles of my SA parent's hearts...

Pieter's dad has warm memories of his own daughter doing this...

...playing with daddy's beard.

I'm happy to report the tradition continues.

And this is going to be one of my favourite memories - Blossom falling asleep unexpectedly in her Daddy's arms.


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