Today, while doing the housework (yes, you read that right, I did
housework) I was reflecting on work ethics.
My husband, Pieter has an amazing work ethic. When I had my morning conversation with him on the phone (he leaves for work at 4 in the morning and so we generally say good morning to each other on the phone) he was telling me how busy it was at the branch. He said that while on the phone to me he heard three other people in the office say: Pieter is just busy on a call right now, can I take a message?
I told him it was because he was so good at his job, his response was a snort of self-deprecation... I assure you we were both responsible enough to have said goodbye quite quickly so that he could get back to it all.
But it's true! He is good at his job, and he is a hard and willing worker. When something needs to be done he is one of the first (and often the only) to stick his hand up and offer to do it. Sometimes this annoys me because every hour he gives to Mainfreight is an hour taken from me and the kids, but I can't deny that I'm proud of the way he takes pride in his work.
Upon further reflection I also realised where he got this great quality from: his dad.
My father-in-law also takes alot of pride in his work and Pieter grew up with this as an example. So today I'm grateful for Dad's who lead by example and the men that follow in their footsteps.

It been said that
'A father is a daughter's first love and a son's first hero.'
There is truth in that.
And so, today I am honouring both the Pieter's in my life. Dad - thanks for the example you have set for your son, and my love, thanks for what you do for your company and for your family. I'm proud of you.