See, when I went to wake him this morning for school he started crying and telling me he was scared to go because of the bullies.
Now I don't know if there are actually real bullies causing this reaction, or if this is just a school avoidance tactic...

...after a long discussion with The Man (by phone because he started work at 4 this morning!) we have agreed that we can't ignore the need for intervention if bullying is actually happening.

Lying is not tolerated in this house and normally I can get the truth out if I go into terrorist interrogation mode, but in this instance I just don't know. And I don't want to terrorise the child even further if he is telling the truth.
And so he is at home. And I have an appointment with his teacher tomorrow morning. He'll be there too so that his teacher can get the truth out of him! And details...

There are rules however - no Wii, he's already tried to pull that one.
He WILL be doing school work - he's already done a reading comprehension and is busy with some numeracy. We'll probably take a break soon and I'll set up some more exercises.
The Frog, not wanting to be left out, is also doing some 'work.'
Hope everyone has a great day.
I hope you get it sorted....it is so hard the not knowing.