Friday, 31 December 2010

The South African Kiwi's 2010 Photo Roundup!

What can I say about 2010 for us?

It was definitely an exhausting year!

So much happened:

The biggest highlight for all of us was when Uncle Andrew (of the Fishing post) got married and we welcomed Aunty Sherri to the family.

Not that she wasn't already a part of it - they have been together for about 9 years now I think.

But they finally made it official.

Let's hope 2011 brings some more surprises for these two ;)
Speaking of surprises...

We discovered that God had another blessing planned for us as a family.

It's been a bit of a rollercoaster and at times I haven't felt very blessed, but....
I'm glad I get to experience this one last time.

And it better be the last time!
My baby has grown...
 ...and learnt so much.
My bigger boy learnt alot too!

Oh boy, did we have some funny discussions about where babies come from - how they get in there and (funniest of all) how they come out!
He's had some awesome experiences this year too.

It's been amazing watching him mature.
My baby isn't my baby anymore - he grew up...
...this precious one grew up too.

Not just taller but emotionally too.
Their relationship with each other became something to marvel at.
I've made new friends...

SO many new friends!
More than I can photographically represent.

And I'm grateful for all of them!

It amazes me how God gives me such precious people to walk alongside me in this strange carnival ride I call my life!
I discovered a few things:

Like blogging...

...cinnamon rolls...
and Pioneer Woman. 
All in all it was a fruitful year for us transplanted South Africans.

Looking ahead, I'm not sure what I want for 2011.

Four weeks away from Miss Piggy's due date, I am truly not in a place to make huge goals and plans.

Personally, I just want to figure out the new element to my journey as a mother...

but realistically, our plans as a family are going to need to be bigger. I'll let you know our goals when we figure them out!

Thank you to all of you for walking alongside us this year. You are all precious people - even those I have never met and probably will never meet.

For 2011, I wish you all joy, peace, fulfillment of your dreams and contentment with your lives.


  1. Happy New Year for 2011, what an exciting year it's going to be for you with a new little girl to look after...I hope everything goes smoothly for you!!

  2. And to you Carol! We both know that these things are under the control of Someone higher than us. I trust He has wonderful things planned for both our families!

  3. So glad I found your blog - what a busy year for you... and exciting about the new one on the way!! Have a wonderful 2011!!


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