Friday, 27 May 2011

Things I'm Loving Number Twelve!

Wow, I've been slack of late. Two weeks since my last blog post? gasp...
Ever since a conversation with JackstaB about screentime - I was saying how my children watch too much TV - I
have realised just how much time I spend addicted to the computer screen. It's not just the kids...
And so, for the last two weeks I've been trying to live more in reality that in cyberspace.

I can't say I've been entirely successful, but it's been interesting!

Stuff I've been loving?

Crocheted hexagonal granny squares  that turn into cute jerseys for new babies...

And the discovery of Photoscape. Simoney from over at Greatfun4kids mentioned it two weeks ago in her Things I'm Loving post - thanks for the heads up Simoney!

And I'm thankful for the amazing friends I've found so far in cyberspace, some of which I've had the privilege of meeting, supporting, laughing with, crafting with, crying with....


Linking up with PaisleyJade. :)


  1. Love that cardi! Ive been thinking about that same conversation! And now Im going to turn OFF my computer for the rest of the day!

  2. SUCH a cute cardi! Lovin it :-)

  3. Cute cardi! I'm seeing crocheting everywhere - I totally need to learn!!! I'm loving Photoscape too ;-) I have the same 'switching off techno' dilemma at least once a week - oh to find the balance!

  4. That cardi is amazing! Love it.

  5. what great colours! I have seen adult ones too


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