Thursday, 14 February 2013

Granny Squares

My grandmother taught me how to make these a long time ago and I never forgot how.

It's actually gotten to the point where I don't even have to watch what I'm doing, my fingers automatically seem to know what they're doing without requiring my brain to engage. I remember another grandmother knitting like that while watching TV. I was in awe of her. I still am!

Now, despite the fact that I seem to put quite a bit of effort into my crafting, I rarely actually finish a project. A fact that my husband points out from time to time, whenever the clutter that my hobbies generate seems to be taking over the house. That's when I know to pack it all into a box and move it out to the garage.
It's anybody's guess just what is out there...

But, nevertheless, I'm determined to finish making whatever these are going to ultimately be and I promise to show you when I'm done.

Happy Valentines Day to everyone, we had tons of crafty fun around here and I woke up to a treasure hunt this morning, that had Lindor at the end of it.... I'm so well loved!

 Show & Tell Thursday's


  1. Eish, 'Nette - you keep the chocolate manufacturers in business eh? I also loved to make things - even if they languished in my Busy Basket a while too long. Right now I'm too busy to do more than Work, Eat, Sleep - but one day --- one day!

  2. I totally agree. I learnt to do granny squares when I was about 10 and can still do them somehow!!! I can't wait to see a finished project from you. Thanks for visiting my blog

  3. I have 'being able to knit granny squares without looking' envy : ) I love the blankets people make with them. My boy sleeps under the one my nana made for me when I was little : ) Thanks for visiting my blog too and for your kind words : )

  4. They are such a natural thing to make arent they? though I cant quite do it entirely without looking :) Thanks for linking and looking forward to seeing what it's ultimately going to be!

  5. I've done a tiny bit of crochet and it comes anything but naturally to me, so I'm another one with "being able to crochet granny squares envy!"
    Will look forward to seeing your finished project ;-)

  6. Im not quite able to do them without looking but I love making granny squares... I love the rhythm and repetitiveness of them

  7. I LOVE granny squares - I love making them - but because I hook like a knitter I don't think I could do without looking


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