Sunday, 17 April 2011

Out of the Mouths of Babes

Brace yourself, this one is going to be profound.

Ok, so most of you who have been following my blog know that Blossom has started 'talking' to me. She's only just found out she can control the sounds coming
out of her mouth and she has started practicing her newfound vocal abilities on everyone around her.

And of course, as besotted as we all are with her, we get pretty excited whenever she 'speaks.' Our smiles become wider and we encourage her for as long as she can cope with the stimulation.

We delight in her.

This week, as I was having a delightful conversation with my daughter I was reminded of Matthew 21:16. (Ok, I confess, I remembered the words to the passage and had to google it to get the actual verse!)

Out of the mouth of babes and sucklings He has perfected praise.

I never quite understood that one, and maybe I still don't, but as I sat and thought about it I had a slight revelation:

If we delight in the first coos and goos of our children, how much more does our Father in heaven delight in our praises?
If I long to hear my baby talking to me, how much more does He long to hear me talking to Him?

May you be blessed this week.


  1. That is a profound comment, a real revelation! We learn so much about God through being a parent I think. Your little princess is the spitting image of you, she is a sweet girl.

  2. Amen Amen and Amen to that!

    I totally believe that when you become a parent you learn so much about Gods heart.... how deep he loves us, and he loves our words of praise... he loves our worship etc...through things like this.
    I also had this HUGE realisation when I became a mum.... of how big of a gift Jesus GOD gave his ONLY SON....for me.. for the world... for those who deny and hate him even... Deeep ...

    What a cool post :) xxx


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