Sunday, 3 April 2011

The Cot

I absolutely love this cot.

It was given to us by a
really lovely couple at my parent's church and The Frog used it up until he went into a big bed.

The Man hates it. And granted, it's a bit rickety.

But, because of his intense dislike, our need for a cot for Blossom was one of the things that went to the top of the prayer list.

Now, my mother has three cots. Again - I have no idea why. All of her children are long past the need for a cot - and yet she has graciously agreed to lend me one.

I'm still praying for a cot.

See, quite a few people have lent me stuff for Blossom, but I'm starting to get really frustrated - when is this child going to actually have stuff of her own? Even the place she sleeps doesn't belong to her?!?!?!

Wouldn't you find that frustrating too?

Anyway, today I have been on a mission to find all the scattered pieces of the oval cot. I am going to set it up and that is what Blossom will sleep in. If all I accomplish today is finding all the bits of it (parts of it are used for biltong making!) I will count today as a success.

Wish me luck.


  1. what a cool oval cot! I know what you mean by your non-first kids having non-new stuff! I think I've bought Kohen maybe one item of clothing and a couple pairs of shoes. That's about the extent of new stuff he has (apart from presents from others). I don't mind too much, but I'm kinda hoping the next kid (if there is one!) is a girl so I have an excuse to buy new stuff haha :-)
    (also, our kids cot is a antique .. it used to be for my Mum when she was a baby!! I LOVE that!)

  2. that is one incredibly awesomely cool cot!!!! I LOVE it too!!!


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