I love my daughter...
but in these photos she looks like a
Just saying.
And yet her brother still cannot stop kissing her!
This may explain the latest cases of runny noses spreading through my family...
Starting with The Jord -
then spread to The Frog -
then spread to The Man -
and (hopefully) finally spread to Blossom the Treefrog.
The Frog was also convinced that Blossom was kissing him back.
Note the way she closes her eyes as soon as he comes near...
I think she is developing good self-defense reflexes!
And another one...
This goes on for as long as I have patience to allow it.
My patience is often very limited at the moment... doesn't go on for too long!
See what I mean....
Sunday, 27 February 2011
Friday, 25 February 2011
I Totally Rock!
This kid has me in stitches most days!
There is currently a very cute program on Nick Jr that features little merpeople - I'm not sure what it's called, something about guppies?
Anyway, on one of the episodes that was
broadcast today, the story included some of them trying to convince a troll that they were cool by singing (rather repetitively):
I totally rock..... I totally rock!
The Frog has picked up on this.
He's found his guitar (that Auntie Keren gave him for his birthday) and is wandering around the house singing (again repetitively):
I totally rock!
He's really getting into the groove!
My gorgeous boy...
you totally ROCK!
Things I'm Loving Number Five!
In the midst of the shock and horror that New Zealand is currently experiencing...
In the midst of the tears and the grief and the mourning for fellow kiwis...
I'm thankful.
I'm thankful for basic things like running water, electricity and food.
I'm thankful for hot showers, a cup of tea and a hot cooked dinner.
I'm thankful that my family is together and safe from harm.
And I'm thankful that there is a God who hears the desperate pleas of those crying out to Him.
Please Lord, comfort those in mourning...
Tuesday, 22 February 2011
Christchurch... |
Emergency declared after massive earthquake in New Zealand
Christchurch earthquake: This will be day of very black news - Parker - Local News - Wanganui ChronicleYet another earthquake hits an already traumatised Christchurch.
According to reports this one has been worse than the September 2010 quake - affecting already unstable buildings and, according to OneNews, causing fatalaties. Numbers unconfirmed as yet.
This quake measured a smaller 6.3 on the Richter scale - as opposed to the 7.1 of the September quake, the damage caused was worse because the September quake occurred 33 km below the earth's surface and this one occurred a mere 5 km below the surface..I'm assuming the earth absorbed some of the shock of the September quake and Chch experienced more of the force of it this time.
Another aspect to this quake that makes it worse is that this one happened at 12:50pm - the September quake happened in the early hours of the morning, and rescuers had more daylight hours to work with immediately after.
Nightfall is approaching and there are still many buildings to clear and many people still in need of rescuing. There are still frightened children in school awaiting their parents' arrivals.
Thoughts and prayers to those affected.
Apparently there is video footage available on YouTube.
For information on people affected, or if you have information on someone there, please go here.
My Preciousssssss....
I'm sorry...
I tried, I really did!
I truly didn't want to make every blog post about Blossom (Miss Piggy's new nickname - I've received
quite a few objections and so have changed it).
I really have tried to make sure I update about everyone else in the family too.
But today - I can't help it.
She's my preciousssss (think: Gollum/Smeagol in Lord of the Rings)
I love the little feet...
...and the way she squirms and stretches in her sleep...
I love the look of complete peace on her face...
I suppose this is what they mean when they say: sleeping like a baby.
(Cos we all know that newborns aren't good for our sleep right?
At least not this one!)
Wish I could sleep like a baby too...
But I'm still loving this tiny scrap of preciousness.
My preciousssssss.....
(sorry, couldn't help myself - it's now stuck in my head.)
Oooh! Yes, my mother sent me these.
This is me as a newborn.
She's definitely a mommy's girl!
I tried, I really did!
I truly didn't want to make every blog post about Blossom (Miss Piggy's new nickname - I've received
quite a few objections and so have changed it).
I really have tried to make sure I update about everyone else in the family too.
But today - I can't help it.
She's my preciousssss (think: Gollum/Smeagol in Lord of the Rings)
I love the little feet...
...and the way she squirms and stretches in her sleep...
I love the look of complete peace on her face...
I suppose this is what they mean when they say: sleeping like a baby.
(Cos we all know that newborns aren't good for our sleep right?
At least not this one!)
Wish I could sleep like a baby too...
But I'm still loving this tiny scrap of preciousness.
My preciousssssss.....
(sorry, couldn't help myself - it's now stuck in my head.)
Oooh! Yes, my mother sent me these.
This is me as a newborn.
She's definitely a mommy's girl!
Sunday, 20 February 2011
My makings...
I thought I'd share them, or at least the better-looking ones. Some of my recent ideas haven't looked stylish by any stretch of the imagination - you couldn't even call them retro.
Retro would be a compliment!
But this was an attempt at a taller version of these...
But the fabric wasn't strong enough to stand on it's own - so I then had a brainwave!
I found an old jam jar and managed to stretch the flopped 'container' over it.
It works now.
Why am I doing this?
I don't know...
To see if I can I suppose!
This may end up as a flop and I may be embarrassed I ever put it in here.
But what the heck!
PaisleyJade has expressed concern over her recent coasters - saying that she has become 'grannified' in her makings.
I think she's got nothing on these!
I did love making them though, and they are going to a special friend who has requested them for heirloom teacups - I feel quite honoured to be creating something for an item of such sentimental value!
But anyway, judging by the library books I currently have on my shelf - I think this may have become an obsession!
Things I'm Loving Number Four!
And the fact that he has done most of the housework and cooking during that time.
And kept the boys quiet when I've really needed to catch up on some sleep.
On thursday he pretended to be asleep until I left the house to go out and spend my birthday money - and then as soon as I had left, he got up and cleaned the house from top to bottom!
What a man!
Not entirely sure how I'm going to handle reality from tomorrow onwards...
The Fine Line
Wednesday, 16 February 2011
Big Blogger Meet-up!
Well, whaddaya know? There are more bloggers out there than you think!
Yesterday I met up with another 7 ladies who blog - and they all live in my town!
Of course, me being me, I left my camera at home and so don't have any photos. But check out some of the other ladies' blogs and you'll see photos of 8 like-minded ladies enjoying a brilliant day out in the sunshine at a fantastic coffee shop.
And you might even catch a glimpse of Miss Piggy fast asleep in a baby-wearing device I actually sewed up myself. (I know... me? Baby-wearing? Life just keeps getting weirder and weirder doesn't it?)
I now have two of these rather brilliant inventions - and I rely on my 'hands-free-baby-kits' in a big way!
Please give these ladies a visit - you won't regret it!
Kiwi At Heart
Inside The Scrapheap
Bassett Blurbs and Banter
She Exceeds Rubies

Yesterday I met up with another 7 ladies who blog - and they all live in my town!
Of course, me being me, I left my camera at home and so don't have any photos. But check out some of the other ladies' blogs and you'll see photos of 8 like-minded ladies enjoying a brilliant day out in the sunshine at a fantastic coffee shop.
And you might even catch a glimpse of Miss Piggy fast asleep in a baby-wearing device I actually sewed up myself. (I know... me? Baby-wearing? Life just keeps getting weirder and weirder doesn't it?)
I now have two of these rather brilliant inventions - and I rely on my 'hands-free-baby-kits' in a big way!
Please give these ladies a visit - you won't regret it!
Kiwi At Heart
Inside The Scrapheap
Bassett Blurbs and Banter
She Exceeds Rubies
Monday, 14 February 2011
And again I say...
Today my Grampa went home to be with the Lord.
That is such a gentle way of saying: he's gone....
Gone from this life and into the next.
It hurts.
But the Bible says: Rejoice in the Lord always and again I say rejoice.
Not: rejoice when you feel like it, or when it suits you... always...
And so I choose to rejoice. I'm thankful for the life he had, for what he accomplished, for the role he played in helping to shape my life. I'm thankful that in the end he was well taken care of (thanks to my aunt).
But above all I'm thankful that he knew the Lord, I'm thankful that this isn't goodbye, I'm thankful that, because he knew the Lord, he is finally home. And free.
I miss you, Grumpy.
That is such a gentle way of saying: he's gone....
Gone from this life and into the next.
It hurts.
But the Bible says: Rejoice in the Lord always and again I say rejoice.
Not: rejoice when you feel like it, or when it suits you... always...
And so I choose to rejoice. I'm thankful for the life he had, for what he accomplished, for the role he played in helping to shape my life. I'm thankful that in the end he was well taken care of (thanks to my aunt).
But above all I'm thankful that he knew the Lord, I'm thankful that this isn't goodbye, I'm thankful that, because he knew the Lord, he is finally home. And free.
I miss you, Grumpy.
Friday, 11 February 2011
Things I'm Loving Number Three!
Thursday, 10 February 2011
Boys Will Be Boys...
Saturday was HOT!
There is some questions as to
just how hot it was - some say 36 degrees C - others less, and my South African readers would scoff at such a mild temperature - but we weren't!
We've acclimatised to kiwi weather...
...and by kiwi standards it was intense!
The Man spent two hours batting in the middle of a cricket field at the height of it - he came home and drank about 6 litres of water!
I refused to let the boys out into the sun - if they went outside they had to stay in shade...
The sun here is nothing to scoff at - SA sun has nothing on this! You burn in about 5 seconds flat without protection here...
But they had great fun under the carport with their waterguns.
It was fascinating watching the water evaporate from the hot paving!
(and educational too ;)
Glad Miss Piggy didn't arrive that day!
There is some questions as to
just how hot it was - some say 36 degrees C - others less, and my South African readers would scoff at such a mild temperature - but we weren't!
We've acclimatised to kiwi weather...
...and by kiwi standards it was intense!
The Man spent two hours batting in the middle of a cricket field at the height of it - he came home and drank about 6 litres of water!
I refused to let the boys out into the sun - if they went outside they had to stay in shade...
The sun here is nothing to scoff at - SA sun has nothing on this! You burn in about 5 seconds flat without protection here...
But they had great fun under the carport with their waterguns.
It was fascinating watching the water evaporate from the hot paving!
(and educational too ;)
Glad Miss Piggy didn't arrive that day!
Monday, 7 February 2011
Couldn't Resist Sharing This
My current favourite photo - The Man is truly outstripping me in the photographic department!
I really need to get cracking and take some of him with his little angel!
I really need to get cracking and take some of him with his little angel!
Sunday, 6 February 2011
For those needing such information...
Miss Piggy was born at 3:45pm this afternoon after 3 hours of established labour at home - waterbirth in the bath...
No other way to do it as far as I am concerned!
(Birth pool didn't happen as our hot water cylinder would not have coped!)
Weight: 3.82kg/8 lb 4 oz
Height: 52cm
Head Circumference: 35.5cm
Look at that proud big brother smile...
It is amazing how emotional I felt introducing her to her brothers.
But only so far as to say: my mommy can carry me again!
Poor Froggy... I missed carrying you too my precious boy!
Attempted to sing Twinkle Twinkle Little star to her, but stopped halfway and informed me he had forgotten the words!
Glad to have had the joyous news to share...
I can bend over again!
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