Monday, 14 February 2011

And again I say...

Today my Grampa went home to be with the Lord.

That is such a gentle way of saying: he's gone....
Gone from this life and into the next.

It hurts.

But the Bible says: Rejoice in the Lord always and again I say rejoice.

Not: rejoice when you feel like it, or when it suits you... always...

And so I choose to rejoice. I'm thankful for the life he had, for what he accomplished, for the role he played in helping to shape my life. I'm thankful that in the end he was well taken care of (thanks to my aunt).

But above all I'm thankful that he knew the Lord, I'm thankful that this isn't goodbye, I'm thankful that, because he knew the Lord, he is finally home. And free.

I miss you, Grumpy.


  1. Thinking of you at this time. Hope you can rejoice a LOT!

  2. So sorry to hear! But also so glad he knew the Lord - heaven is going to be the coolest reunion!! All my love. xoxo

  3. Sorry to hear that! But what a great view to take *hugs* at this sad time for the ones still here!

  4. I know you will miss his company...but so glad you can rejoice about where he has gone!

  5. Oh ((hugs)) so sorry to hear about your Grandpa. Like the others said, I am not sorry however that he knows his creator and where he's going!! WHOOPEE...
    I hope and pray that all the awesome memories that you have of him will help you through all the really sad "miss you" times that will undoubtedly come too...
    Hugest of hugs.. Juanita xx


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