Tuesday, 22 February 2011

My Preciousssssss....

I'm sorry...

I tried, I really did!

I truly didn't want to make every blog post about Blossom (Miss Piggy's new nickname - I've received
quite a few objections and so have changed it).

I really have tried to make sure I update about everyone else in the family too.

But today - I can't help it.

She's my preciousssss (think: Gollum/Smeagol in Lord of the Rings)

I love the little feet...
...and the way she squirms and stretches in her sleep...
I love the look of complete peace on her face...
I suppose this is what they mean when they say: sleeping like a baby.

(Cos we all know that newborns aren't good for our sleep right?

At least not this one!)

Wish I could sleep like a baby too...

But I'm still loving this tiny scrap of preciousness.

My preciousssssss.....

(sorry, couldn't help myself - it's now stuck in my head.)
Oooh! Yes, my mother sent me these.

This is me as a newborn.

She's definitely a mommy's girl!



  1. I don't mind if you blog about her every day - she's soooo cute. haha "my preeeeeeeeeeeeeecious".

  2. Its good to cherish this time...they grow so fast in that first year!

  3. I'm the same as Kristy, get my baby fix from you so I don't get clucky!!
    She is ADORABLE!


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