Sunday, 20 February 2011


My makings...  

I thought I'd share them, or at least the better-looking ones. Some of my recent ideas haven't looked stylish  by any stretch of the imagination - you couldn't even call them retro. 

Retro would be a compliment! 

But this was an attempt at a taller version of these... 

But the fabric wasn't strong enough to stand on it's own - so I then had a brainwave!
I found an old jam jar and managed to stretch the flopped 'container' over it. 

It works now.


Why am I doing this?

I don't know...

To see if I can I suppose!

This may end up as a flop and I may be embarrassed I ever put it in here.

But what the heck!

PaisleyJade has expressed concern over her recent coasters - saying that she has become 'grannified' in her makings.

I think she's got nothing on these!

I did love making them though, and they are going to a special friend who has requested them for heirloom teacups - I feel quite honoured to be creating something for an item of such sentimental value!

But anyway, judging by the library books I currently have on my shelf - I think this may have become an obsession!


  1. Haha - you make me feel way better!! Loving your creativity and it's also really good to know who is hogging all the cochet books from the library!!!

  2. Oh gorgeous! I love love love crochet... but cant do it :(.
    You are very clever!

  3. I'm amazed that you have time to crochet with Miss Piggy being so small and new! Well done.

  4. Oh my! You must have cleaned out the library of all its crochet books! Its good to learn and try new stuff!


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